Springfield House Community Special School

PROUD of our Roots

There is a site wide power cut so we do not have working  phones. Please bear with us.

    Welcome to Springfield House School.

An introduction to Springfield House School

Springfield House is a Birmingham LA special school.  

Our provision is targeted to meet the special educational needs of young people, aged 5 -11, who experience social, emotional and mental health difficulties. 

In previous settings our pupils have exhibited behaviours that challenge, which are frequently associated with a wide range of complex conditions, including ASC, ADHD and Attachment Disorder.  They have also experienced significant disruption to their education due to multiple school moves, fixed term and permanent exclusions and long periods of part-time or no placement in a school.

We provide a nurturing environment, where we support children to develop strategies to manage their responses appropriately.  We seek to celebrate successes and achievements to build self-confidence and esteem, whilst allowing space and time to reflect on the issues that prevent their full social inclusion.

We use our PROUD roots at Springfield House School to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. These roots are:

Positive (I know my steps and where I am going)

Resilient (When things don’t go to plan I will repair and put it right)

Open Minded (I am ready to learn from others and share my ideas)

Understanding (Good choices leads to more choices)

Diverse (All different, all equal, all welcome)



Thank you to the volunteers from Jaguar Land Rover.

Hannah, Stuart and Lisa spent Friday putting up our Christmas tree and decorating 'The Stables' in preparation for our Christmas celebrations at Springfield.   Thank you very much for volunteering your time.


Lichfield Christmas Tree Festival.

 Kace, Lexi and Melody decorated our Christmas Tree at Lichfield Cathedral on Friday 29th November.   Every child decorated their own wooden bauble which are now all proudly hanging on our tree.  Our theme this year is 'All Different, All Equal.'   


Remembrance Assembly 8th November 2024.

 Thank you to Garry and Horace for attending our remembrance assembly on Friday.   We remembered the bravery and contributions of those service men and women who have fought in wars, from World War 1, to wars that are happening in countries across the world today, as well as appreciate the peace and freedom we enjoy today because of their bravery and sacrifices. 

We learnt how the British army in both World Wars were made up of lots of different countries from all around the world. Britain's colonies sent over two and a half million men to fight for Britain during the war. India sent the most soldiers. At that time, India included both Pakistan and Bangladesh.  British Colonies sent soldiers from five different continents: Europe, North America, Australasia, Asia and Africa.


Red Nose Day 2024


We would like to say a great big thank you to all our children and their families for helping to make Red Nose Day such a success.

This year we sold our entire supply of red noses and had lots of non-uniform donations as well which enabled us to raise an incredible £187 for Comic Relief - a brilliant total for a school of our size!

After paying the money in at the bank we received an email from one of the Red Nose Day Team at Comic Relief which says it all:
"I cannot thank you and your incredible pupils enough for all your hard work this Red Nose Day - you really have changed lives for the better ⭐ ...Red Nose Day is nothing without brilliant schools like yours, you truly make all the difference. Thank you."

Red Nose Day is a wonderful opportunity to encourage our pupils to share with others, and celebrating the day each year is an important part of children's personal development as they mature and become aware that they can make a positive contribution to the world around them. Being generous is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing, so taking part in events like Red Nose Day is great for children's mental health as well.

Thank you for working in partnership with us in support of Red Nose Day and for helping Comic Relief to change children's lives, both here in the UK and around the world.

Well done everyone, and once again, thank you!



World Book Day 2024

We celebrated World Book day with a whole school assembly and lots of activities throughout the day.   

Below is a short video of our school for new pupils to watch.

 Please click on the video below.
