Springfield House Community Special School

PROUD of our Roots

Pupil Premium & Sports Premium

Pupil Premium - The Government now provides additional money to schools to improve the outcomes for pupils from more socially and economically challenged families. The measure for this money is pupils who are registered for free school meals, about 75% of our overall population or Looked After Children, as statistically they are groups who do not usually make expected progress.

At Springfield House the Pupil Premium money is allocated to resources that provide additional opportunities for the pupils through:

  • Extra support in class to enhance learning and raise attainment and self-esteem.
  • 1:1 and group work with therapists and support staff from a multi-agency team.
  • Family support work with school staff and a charitable trust.

 The money allocated to these interventions exceeds the funding received through Pupil Premium.

Last year, pupils receiving Malachi interventions made outstanding progress in communication, reading, writing and maths. Those children receiving Music Therapy attained outstanding progress in both writing and maths and our looked after children made outstanding progress in reading, writing and good progress in maths.  This year we have purchased laptops for two of our looked after pupils, had visiting support including art therapy and an animal care society.


Children are referred to an inter-agency group, led by the Principle Care Co-ordinator, who identify an appropriate additional intervention.  This group meets once a month to review the needs of an identified class group and individual referrals. Exceptional cases are assessed on an individual basis by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that the system is flexible enough to respond to need as it arises. Impact of provision is measured three times during the year and the provision is adjusted accordingly.  The Principle Care Co-ordinator reports to the SLT who monitor the allocation of the funding.

Pupil Premium -  Click here to see how we spent the funding for the last academic year 


Sports Premium - Click here to see more information about how we have used the sports premium.





